property portfolio

Landlord enhancing building to increase asset value prior to sale

Remedial work can be beneficial to both the Landlord and the occupier of a building. If your Landlord is looking to carry out works, it’s important to understand the reason behind their proposal, and investigate if you are liable to contribute to these costs. Things may not always be as they appear to be…

Service Charge & Lease Expense Reporting

Assure can hold a lot of data! Budgets, actuals, insurance certificates, statements of account, legal documents, invoices, payment histories and much more, as well as keeping records, most importantly, the amount of money we have saved…

Have you got it covered?

Roof structures and the repairs required to them are often highly technical and generally expensive. If your Landlord wants to repair or replace the roof of the building you occupy, there are many points to consider in checking if you are liable for the whole cost. We have experts on hand to review condition reports and tender documents to ensure that occupiers contribute no more than their lease terms require. Here are a couple of recent examples of our involvement in roof repairs…

Exploring Service Charges Outside of the UK

So far this year our International Team has saved over £2.7M in service charge costs from projects in Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Czech, Italy, Australia, and the US, with further savings on the way…

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